Di (aka Pensitivity101) hosts Fibbing Friday, a silly little exercise where we are to write a post with our answers to the ten questions below. But as the title suggests, truth is not an option. The idea is to fib a little, a lot, tell whoppers, and be inventive, silly, or even outrageous, in our responses. For this week’s Fibbing Friday, Di is using more words she found on a site recommended by fellow blogger Archon’s Den.
1. Sardoodledom — a small mountain village in South America where the only written language uses doodles.
2. Callithumpian — the official language of Callithumpia.
3. Turdiform — a perfectly formed, topedo-shaped turd.
4. Persiflage — to attempt to persevere with an almost impossible task to the point that continuing is a form of self-flagellation.
5. Palpebrous — an inflammation and swelling of the palpe gland.
6. Chary — the type of grape used to make a Chardonnay wine from South Africa.
7. Malapert — a specific type of malaprop dealing with a person’s appearance. For example, “She wears dark stockings to hide her very close veins.”
8. Dowsabel — a liquid that, when mixed with water, can stop a loud sound when thrown on the item making the sound.
9. Maquillage — the name of a new electric car that claims to get 500 miles per charge.
10. Dysania — an early stage of dementia.